Clear Skin
Clear Skin treatments are specifically designed to address common skin concerns such as acne, blemishes, and uneven skin texture. These treatments focus on reducing inflammation, unclogging pores, and promoting a clearer complexion. Ideal for those with acne-prone skin, Clear Skin treatments help restore balance and health to the skin.
Topical anaesthesia may be used, especially for more intensive treatments.
Side Effects
Possible side effects include temporary redness, peeling, or dryness, which typically resolve quickly.
Treatment Time
Approximately 30-60 minutes.
Target Areas
Face, back, and other areas prone to acne or blemishes.
Varies based on the specific treatment; some patients may experience mild peeling for a few days.

Frequently Asked Questions
This treatment may involve a combination of chemical peels, laser therapy, and specialized facials that target acne-causing bacteria, reduce oil production, and promote skin healing. The approach helps to prevent future breakouts while improving overall skin clarity.
Effective for treating acne scars and improving overall skin texture.
A series of treatments is usually recommended for optimal results, with sessions spaced 2-4 weeks apart.